Weekly Fest: The Good 'Ole Days
A new month is here and PMC is opening the month with a new hosting service and a new Weekly Fest.
This week's fest is sponsored by
Pinaymama's Diary, A Mother's Journal, Simple Life, Simply Me, and Pinay in States.
Pinaymama's Diary, A Mother's Journal, Simple Life, Simply Me, and Pinay in States.

We didn't have a lot of snaps when we were still dating. Well, blame it on the fact that we were sneaking around for the better part of it and... you get the drift. hehehehe Not only that, but my lappy went haywire on me twice and I only managed to save a few old photos of us. It's sad, I know. I hate it when we are totally dependent on technology! Fortunately, pyertubs and I managed to produce a few memorable snaps to add to our, albeit thin, photo album.
A few occasions marked our photo opp moments. The main snap was done during my 21st birthday last 2005, before I left for the States. It was a bittersweet party for me because it was the first time I would be leaving him and embark on our short long distance relationship, which turned out to be what we really needed.
The other two snaps where taken around November of 2004, the year we were officially accepted to the family. The sneaking around had ended a few months prior to those shots, see how happy we were? The topmost snap was snagged when both of us went to the local fair (Carnabal in Bisaya) and rode the Octopus with a few members of my family. This was before he stole a kiss or two or three... I should say that this one was pretty memorable because we ended up at the SMC Emergency Room because my cousin's GF collapsed after the ride. In the bottom snap, we posed in front of the camera at Tejeros in Valencia. Nothing exciting happened there, though.
Ah, those where the days. I guess we should start posing more, eh?

Shazbutt's Digi-Scrapz, Template #58
Carrie Stephens, Spontaneous Delight Kit
Juno, Summery
ScrapInge, Stamp Frames
Carrie Stephens, Spontaneous Delight Kit
Rachael's Scraps, Staples
Lynn Grieveson