Weekly Fest: Memorable Kisses

I don't know if pyertubs planned it or not but that moment was like a scene out of a movie. It was dark, the full moon was at its peak and we were alone on a deserted beach. I don't remember the date exactly but I remember the place which I will be keeping a secret...for now.
We sat on one of the water breakers and started to talk quietly. I could hear the lapping of the waves and smell the salty breeze. It was perfect. I couldn't ask for a better moment.
It was at that moment when he stole a kiss from me! I was speechless! It seemed that the kiss turned my mind into mush. He just looked at me and then stole another kiss, and another, and another....
Benefactors are: Deranged Insanity, Traipsey Turvey, PierrEzrah, and ezrah photographs & scraps.
Shazbutt's Digi-Scrapz, Little Star Kit
AG, Mystery Papers
Frames & Accessories:
Karine, The K-Kit
kafrounette, Natural Kit
Rachael's Scraps, Staple2
Brushes:Flower Swirls 2nd Ed.
Fresh Foliage
notre amour conquiert tous (our love conquers all) by betterthanezrah
Jim Ubalde